On August 22, 1930, a church meeting was held led by student Pastor Jacob Enderson. At that meeting, a notion was made and seconded that a Lutheran congregation be organized and named “Lake City Lutheran Church.”
On August 31, 1930, 28 charter members signed a constitution forming the new congregation. That constitution states “the object of this congregation to be the means for the word of God and the Sacraments to work for the establishment and extension of the Kingdom of God.”
A meeting was called on December 18, 1930, for the purpose of calling the congregation’s first permanent pastor, the student pastor, Jacob Enderson, who was to be sharded with Zion Lutheran Church, Hillhead.
Pastor Enderson began his duties in the summer of 1931. Lake City Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, and Trondjhem Lutheran made up the parish.
In 1944 Lake City, Zion, Trondjhem, and Immanuel Lutherans made up the parish.
The services of Lake City Lutheran were held in the Lake City Baptist Church until 1948 when services were conducted in a lodge hall on South Main Street until 1950.
On March 1, 1950, it was voted to buy the Evangelical Lutheran Church building of Britton for $1,000, and the building was moved to Lake City sometime between April and October of 1950. In the process of being moved, the steeple was damaged and removed.
In 2004 the stained glass windows underwent major repair. In 2005 an access ramp was added to the outside front of the church. In 2006 an electronic keyboard/piano was given to the church. In 2023, the congregation voted to build a building to the south of the church as a fellowship hall, and is in the process of being built.
Today the Lake City Lutheran congregation is made up of about 55 members and is a member of the Britton Lutheran Parish with First Lutheran Church of Britton, SD, and Pleasant Valley Lutheran Church of rural Kidder, SD. Joining in worship are many friends and visitors from the surrounding lake areas. Worship services are held on summer Sundays from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend and on Good Friday. We are currently served by Pastor Terrill Sorensen.